Micro U-space Visualization

In Bordeaux UAV Show in October 2023, we showcased a Micro U-space, with physical drones performing operations non-stop during the exhibition ; and a system allowing to visualize the services executed.
This mix a cyberphysical systems (the drones) and the U-space services allowed autonomous operations for the Crazyflies used for the demonstration.
Three scenarios were performed by the drones:
- one medical transport from two hospitals (red)
- one police drone doing routine surveillance (blue)
- one taxi drone transporting passengers (yellow)
Of course, the drones had to land and recharge. One of their deconfliction rules was to not to be allowed to take-off until it has enough battery power and that there was a slot available to perform safely its flight.
Technical stack:
- Front-end: JS - Leaflet, Pixi
- Backend: Python - Flask
- Physical: Crazyflie
The visualization took some inspiration from CORUS v4, for the different steps of a drone operation as well as some of the recommandations in our CHI paper.